Watch this introductory video to learn how the new One Ingredient Challenge can help you level-up your health this year...

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[challenge started January 2nd]

— Kickstart Your Health in 2021 —

I'd like to invite you to join me on a challenge to eat nothing but whole, unprocessed, "One Ingredient" foods for 30 days in January to reboot your diet, experience the power of real food, and get into the best health of your life.

This 30-day challenge course equips you with daily lessons (over 3 hours of video) that are designed to help you easily apply this unprocessed lifestyle and make it stick over time.

This challenge may be great for you if...

✅ You'd like to eat healthier, but it takes too much time...

One of the key themes of this challenge is helping you instill habits, shortcuts, and routines that make healthy eating more convenient. As you go through this challenge, it will become faster and easier to prep unprocessed meals than to go through a fast-food drive-thru.

✅ You struggle with cravings...

Studies have shown that our tastes preferences change over time to crave the type of food we have been eating lately. That's why this intensive 30-day challenge is an excellent way to reboot your tastebuds and stomp out cravings. (Plus, I give you practical advice on beating cravings in the early days.)

✅ You need step-by-step guidance...

Unprocessing your diet overnight can be hard – but that's where this new course comes in. I walk you through the journey day by day, drawing on my experience of helping hundreds of students make One Ingredient eating stick, to help you avoid pitfalls and achieve your best results.

✅ You'd like to lose some weight...

On a whole-food, plant-based diet like this one, weight loss is very easy – even while eating as much as you want! Why? Real food is not as calorie dense as processed food, so it's virtually impossible to overeat – your weight balances naturally.

✅ You do well with a diet program at first, but struggle to make healthy eating stick long term...

Rather than focusing on short-term willpower that never lasts, this course is designed to reshape your habits, routines, and even tastebuds over 30 solid days so that you can make these healthy changes last for years.

✅ Your eating habits need a tune-up

A 30-day challenge like this is perfect when you need to reboot your eating habits. If you've become too complacent lately about eating unhealthy food, this type of program is perfect to reset your habits and get you back on track.

✅ You'd like to learn some new healthy + delicious recipes

If your cooking is in a rut and you'd like to learn how to cook healthier meals that are also delicious – you've come to the right place! I've hand-selected over 55 of my recipes (about 2 each day) to meet you where you are on the course and slowly build your cooking skills.

✅ You're sick of "diets" and the endless on-again, off-again struggle

The best part about this One Ingredient approach is that it is not a diet at all – there is no calorie counting or portion control – rather, this is a common sense approach to eating healthier that doesn't require willpower, so it can be sustainable and enjoyable long-term.

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[challenge started January 2nd]

When you join the challenge you'll receive:

30 Daily Lessons

Each day, you'll receive a new video lesson that guides you through this challenge step-by-step. Over 3 hours of video.

55 Recipes

The daily lessons include several recipes that meet you where you are on the challenge to expand your One Ingredient cooking skills.

Real-Time Support

Each lesson includes a discussion area where you can ask questions and get support as you go through the challenge.


The "One Ingredient" Diet

I'll never forget the day, nearly a decade ago, as I was eating a supposedly "healthy" fast food veggie sandwich and looked up the ingredients online...

To my horror, the sandwich had over one hundred ingredients in every bite –

In that moment, I realized that ingredients are the problem, and ingredients are the solution...

Cut out the ingredients, and we cut out all the processed junk that is making us sick, overweight, and unhealthy.

I decided to try out a radical experiment for 30 days – what if I ate nothing but whole plant-based foods with one ingredient on the label?

"Eat plant-based foods that start out as one whole ingredient."

Brown rice. Berries. Walnuts. Leafy Greens... Real food combined into simple meals that are naturally healthy & delicious.

The results were incredible. I felt better. I looked better. I had more energy. I lost some weight.

I started to call this eating philosophy the One Ingredient Diet and I became so passionate about this solution that I started to spread the word...

For the last 8 years I have been teaching the benefits of this type of unprocessed eating while developing over 320+ One Ingredient recipes on my blog that have reached millions of readers.

The idea is simple, but the results are astounding. By adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet like this one, we can lose weight and maintain our ideal weight, live with greater vitality, and even avoid diet-related disease – all by going back to the basics of what food was always meant to be: whole, healthy, and natural. 

Today, I would like to invite you to try what I did over 8 years ago – a 30-day challenge to eat nothing but these whole, unprocessed, One Ingredient foods for a month to reboot your health and experience the power that real food can have in your life.

When you join, I'll be with you each and every day. You'll have access to the biggest and deepest product I've ever built – an online course that draws upon everything I have learned in guiding hundreds of people through this transformation – all designed to help you succeed over time.

Each day, you'll receive a new video with insights, tips and motivation to keep you on track – over 3 hours of video in total – as well as downloads, daily recipes, a discussion area to get support, and pre-course content to prepare you for the challenge so that you can hit the ground running. 

There has never been a better time to make the leap to an unprocessed, plant-based, "One Ingredient" lifestyle and this course makes it easier than ever as I guide you through this transformation. When you're ready, join me in this challenge and let's kickstart your health over these next 30 days.

— Andrew

I just have to say that I am amazed with this program. I never thought I could live without meat but since the recipes are so good, I really haven’t missed it. I have lost 12 lbs without even trying. Having your recipes readily available has been the reason for my success. They are so delicious and filling, I never feel hungry or deprived.

The other amazing thing – I usually have a nagging headache EVERY day. You just learn to live with it. Since day 2 of the challenge, I have not had a headache. I have not popped any aspirin or ibuprophen. That in itself is amazing. Overall, I feel better physically, and I hope as time goes on I will feel even better. I plan for this to be a new way of life for me. Thanks for introducing me to this incredible journey!

– Carol L.

Preview the Course Curriculum

Each day of the course includes a video lesson plus recipes. Feel free to explore the full curriculum to see what topics are covered in this course:

  Pre-Course Content
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  Day 1
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I discovered the One Ingredient Chef website about two years ago. I was immediately hooked. The philosophy resonated with me. Andrew's passion to help others eat better/live better is evident in everything that he does. His recipes are delicious and easy to follow. His new course moves you gradually in the direction of incorporating more plant based one ingredient foods into your diet on a daily basis. By the end of the course you will be eating healthier and feeling better all while eating food that tastes amazing!

– Becca P.

About Your Instructor

Hi! My name is Andrew Olson and since 2013, I have been running the One Ingredient Chef recipe blog, which I created to showcase how "One Ingredient" cooking can be both easy and delicious.

In these last 8 years, I have created over 320 plant-based recipes that have helped millions of home cooks prepare healthier and more delicious meals while teaching students to adopt a more unprocessed, plant-based diet.

I believe that food is power, and we decide with every bite we take whether that power is working for us or against us. I created the One Ingredient Diet – and this 30 day challenge – to help you put the power of food back on your side.

✉️ Questions about the course? ✉️
Tap Here to Message Me »

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[challenge started January 2nd]

© 2020 One Ingredient Chef – All Rights Reserved

Notice: Keep in mind that I am not a doctor and you should always check with your own personal healthcare professional before making any dietary changes. My role in creating this course is to share the common-sense systems and techniques that I have learned and personally applied to eat a more unprocessed diet. Therefore, this course is provided for educational purposes only – I assume no liability or responsibility for any individual's use of this information. Again, before taking up this or any dietary program, always consult with a qualified medical professional.